This was the street where I lived when I grew up in London. In 1972-1973 while still living in England, I photographed my family, neighbours and the people on the street. The same photographs were exhibited in October 1972 and October 2022, fifty years later in the very same building. The building located in The Old Town, was once Clapham Public Library and today is Omnibus Theatre.
Stonhouse Street was split in two sections by Lambeth Council's housing project. Our house and that section of the street has long since gone and is unrecognisable.

Published 2019:
64 pages bl/w and colour images
230mm x 245mm
Hardbound cloth
TIRA Books
ISBN 978-91-639-6921-8

Stacks Image 56
  •  Stonhouse Street SW4

    Stonhouse Street SW4

  •  67 Stonhouse – our back garden

    67 Stonhouse – our back garden

  •  67 Stonhouse – our back garden

    67 Stonhouse – our back garden

  •  Eric & Elsie Webb and Sue the dog

    Eric & Elsie Webb and Sue the dog

  •  Neighbours


  •  Neighbours


  •  Neighbours


  •  Neighbours


  •  Christopher Ball, grandfather

    Christopher Ball, grandfather

  •  Neighbours


  •  Neighbours


  •  Eric in Brixton, later in 1986

    Eric in Brixton, later in 1986